Peachy Looks and Portrait Mini Sessions

Aug 12, 2019

Nicole Spangler Photography and SoCoJo Makeup present: PEACHY LOOKS + PORTRAIT MINI SESSIONS!

The peachy look is so on-trend right now, so we have teamed up to provide a hands-on makeup tutorial plus a mini photo session. These minis are open to middle school, high school, and college aged girls. If you would like to book with your bestie, please book 2 time slots.

Sign up today and receive all of these perks and bonuses:

– Hands-on peachy makeup tutorial by Annie with SoCoJo Hair and makeup

– You get to keep the professional eye shadow palette used to create your peachy look that includes lashes to keep ($50 value!)!

– “Beach curls” hairstyle by SoCoJo Hair and Makeup

– 15 Minute mini portrait session in studio with Nicole Spangler Photography

– 1 Full resolution digital image of your choice (with options to add more if you like)

– Access to the Nicole Spangler Photography Wardrobe and Accessories closet

Investment is $199 and you receive everything listed above. We have limited spots open at this price, so book ASAP by clicking the link: