2nd Annual Valentine’s Day Shoot / Blaine MN Senior Photographer

Feb 1, 2017

I am so excited to share my 2nd annual Valentine’s Day shoot with some of my class of 2017 senior models!

The annual shoot focuses on uplifting teenaged girls. The girls wrote down on paper hearts one vulnerability about themselves as well as one positive thing about themselves. I also asked each girl to write down one positive thing about another girl and share it with them. I absolutely loved what they shared with eachother. Seeing them smile and hug was so amazing!

The digital age can be an intimidating time. Teenaged girls not only have to attend school, concentrate on grades, sports, and after school activities, but also navigate the world of social media. It’s so easy to get lost in the “perfect” world (or what seems to be perfect) of other people on social media and I wanted to send a message that everyone is beautiful and we all have some amazing qualities.

After we shared our hearts, I asked the girls to rip up their insecurities. It symbolized that we don’t have to listen to them. We should listen to our little voices that tell us we are GOOD enough. Even GREAT!

I encouraged my models to keep their hearts from the shoot. Some day down the road they might just come across their heart and it will put a smile on their face. :)

I hope everyone takes the time to listen to their little voice in their heart that is telling them they are worthy, beautiful, and so so amazing.



